by | Nov 12, 2017 | Front Page
On November 15th, join us at RocketSpace London for an AI workshop hosted by ( They are bringing together top software engineers within the AI community to present their frameworks and research projects. Location of Event (Country /...
by | Nov 10, 2017 | Front Page
AIFORSE Conference 2017 — the first global Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Software Engineering — will host on the 10th of November 2017 in Barcelona. The Leaders and Experts of Software Engineering (SE) and pioneer Innovators of Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
by | Nov 7, 2017 | Front Page
Join us at AI Frontiers Conference on Nov 3rd, 4th, & 5th at the Santa Clara Convention Center. This conference brings together AI leaders and industry experts from AI giants including Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, and AI rising stars like NVIDIA, Uber, and...
by | Nov 6, 2017 | Front Page
In the race of AI personal assistants, Microsoft and Amazon are integrating Alexa and Cortana to keep their lead on Google Home. Most recently, on Sep 25th Apple announced it dropped Bing in favor of Google search for Siri. To learn how this game is going to play out...
by | Nov 5, 2017 | Front Page
Digital technology-driven automation and restructuring has been ongoing since the 1960s, most notoriously in the destruction of the printers’ unions by Rupert Murdoch in the 1980s. Now, the impending ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ is creating widespread public anxiety...