Academic Events and Conferences
Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing in Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Radar
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the RF Signal Processing and Machine Learning communities, showcase state-of-the-art Machine Learning approaches applicable in the RF domain, and provide a forum for discussing cross-disciplinary ideas to address present and future challenges.
The workshop is collocated with IJCAI 2019, and is planned as a day-long event, with two keynote presentations and a number of contributed talks. It will take place between August 10 and August 12, with the exact date yet to be determined.
Location of Event (Country / City): Macao, China
Date of Event: August 11
Website of Event:
Academic Conference Lists
- DBLP: Conferences and Workshops – Large list of Computer Science Conferences and Workshops : past, present and future.
Individual Academic Conferences for Artificial Intelligence
- AAAI: Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (formerly the American Association for Artificial Intelligence)
- AISB: Annual Convention of The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour – The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) is the largest Artificial Intelligence Society in the United Kingdom. Founded in 1964, the society has an international membership drawn from both academia and industry.
- AAMAS: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems – The International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote science and technology in the areas of artificial intelligence, autonomous agents and multiagent systems
- BCS SGAI: British Computer Society Special Group on Artificial Intelligence AI-2016 Thirty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND 13-15 DECEMBER 2016
- COLT: Conference on Learning Theory – The Association for Computational Learning (ACL) is in charge of the organization of the Conference on Learning Theory (COLT), formerly known as the conference on Computational Learning Theory
- ECML PKDD: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases – This is the website of and for the ECML PKDD community. It is mainly meant for hosting the websites of previous ECML PKDD conferences
- ECAI: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence – Every even-numbered year, EurAI, jointly with one of the member associations of EurAI, organizes a European Conference on AI. This conference, abbreviated ECAI, has become the leading conference for this field in Europe
- KR: International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning – Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Incorporated (KR, Inc.) is a not for profit Scientific Foundation concerned with fostering research and communication on knowledge representation and reasoning
- ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning – is the leading international machine learning conference and is supported by the International Machine Learning Society (IMLS)
- IUI: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces – Forum for reporting research and development on intelligent user interfaces.
- IJCAI: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence – Biennial general artificial intelligence conference.
- IICAI: Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence – General International AI conference held in India.
- ICANN: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks – The European Neural Network Society (ENNS) which runs the ICANN conference is an association of scientists, engineers, students, and others seeking to learn about and advance our understanding of the modelling of behavioral and brain processes, develop neural algorithms and to apply neural modelling concepts to problems relevant in many different domains. Also see
- NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems – Neural computation, learning theory, algorithms and architectures, neuroscience, vision, speech, control and diverse applications.
- UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence – The Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence is a non-profit organization focused on organizing the annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)
- 2017 Conference on Machine Intelligence in Medical Imaging – the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM)
Running an Event, Meet up or Conference
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